my dad lead a study at a ch called el amor construye (the love he is building) and my mom translated. they both did an amazing job... i was real proud of my mama for stepping out of her comfort zone..
me gustaria casarme esta chica... : )
this was on monday night at english class.. we broke up into 5 groups and just spoke basic english with the youth. my dad and ginger did great! I'm pretty sure one guy gave ginger his number...hah!
this is at the entrance of my school where i studied spanish. this was the first day of my study at my school..
mi amigovia.. as they would call it here.. if you don't know what that means...sorry!
at the study.. we had 13 people show up! we had pizza at the end...
after the study we stopped by this little tienda and got some chocolate..nice break from the rain..
after the chocolate break we went to this indigenous market. en esta lugar es posible para regatear, pero con frecuencia yo no tenia exito!
on our way to quicentro mall to eat..
but first i had to get a haricut! for those that don't know, i made a "deal" with my little brother that i wouldn't cut my hair until i was conversational in spanish. i went almost 6 months without getting it cut!
all cleaned up.. i promise i really don't wear ARIZONA stuff often! i try to fit in as much as possible..